
The Neurosurgery Research Listserv (est., 1998)  is an international multi-disciplinary neurosurgical discussion forum to confidentially discuss complex cases, research problems, and to undertake pioneering educational initiatives. 

The missions of the Listserv are to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and transferring of expertise and enable co-operation and collaboration between neurosurgeons from around the world. The Listserv also aims to foster fellowship and friendship amongst neurosurgeons and professionals in allied fields.

It currently has over 800 members with more than  400 of the leading neurosurgeons. In addition to most of the world-class neurosurgeons, the membership includes leaders in neuropathology, microbiology, neuroradiology, neuro-oncology, neuropsychology, neuro-epidemiology, ENT, neurophysiology, neuroscience and haematology.